Friday, October 14, 2011


Here are a few pictures from Mia's most recent soccer game. She's the one with the stylish headband. Craig is coaching her team and really enjoying the time he gets to spend with Mia (notice the matching headband). They are having fun, even though Mia keeps telling us she wants to take something else. Haha.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Life is going on...

This is the thing about blogging. Sometimes there's just nothing really that great to report so it becomes somewhat tedious to have to type out a post about nothing that exciting. But, I shall try! :)

Jack is finishing up his session of ice skating and Mia is almost done another round of soccer. Both have enjoyed this recreational time, I think, despite all the protestations when they have to get their shoes/equipment on. I think we will sign both up for hockey and soccer again next session, and perhaps some swimming in there just to keep them practiced. Burton is talking more everyday and is still into everything. He tries my last nerve on a daily basis but he's super cute so I forgive him.

We are gearing up for Halloween, Mia's next 3 week track out from school and most importantly, our trip to Disney in November. So exciting. No of us can wait!

I took a "wine and design" painting class last week and painted a Klimt-inspired tree. It was fun, but cemented my opinion that artists are talented in ways I could never comprehend, or even fake. Painting was fun, but stressful! I so wanted to make my piece look better but was hard to focus with Lady Gaga blaring in the background and a dozen tipsy women twittering around me. I need silence, people! Haha.

Mia lost her 6th tooth on Wednesday. She now has a hilariously large gap at the front of her mouth. I was SO glad to see that sucker come out. It was all kinds of wonky before I finally convinced her to pull it out. It could rotate 360 degrees in its place so sometimes it was sideways, backwards and every other direction in her mouth. Finally, on Wednesday night it was
hanging by a thread and I talked her into popping it out. Pretty cute stuff!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Gourd Farm!

Monday was a wet day but in the brief interlude between showers we visited the Green Level Gourd Farm. It's only about 20 minutes away from our house, but seems very "country". For 4 dollars a piece the boys enjoyed a donkey ride (well, Jack did), chickens, gourds a'plenty, a corn maze,

mini golf, swings and slides and a tractor pulled hay ride, featuring spooky sights to look at. These were things like bats hanging from trees, spiders that drop down over the wagon and witches and pumpkins arranged in spooky ways. Jack loved that part! We had a great morning on the gourd farm and it got me in the mood for Fall. I even pulled out the box of Halloween decorations. It's not too early to dream of Oct 31st, is it?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Sunday Off...

Thanks to Craig, I got to take this afternoon off and head on down to Ornamentea for a cool earring-making class. The class was 3 hours long and in those three hours we used various techniques to make seven pairs of earrings. Some I like and some aren't really my style but getting an intro to wire-wrapping and earring construction was cool. You never know, I might get good enough to gift some of these earrings someday!

I recommend this class, and this cool and funky shop, to anyone in the Raleigh area. Such fun!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Parent/teacher interview

We had our first teacher conference of the Grade one year this morning and Mia is doing wonderfully! She is at the very top of the class in writing; in fact, she is in a very small, specialized group that is advancing their skills. She reads at a high Grade two level and is above average in math. Of the 173 words she needs to remember and recognize by sight in Grade TWO, she knows 158 already. The teacher says she is bright, engaging and funny. We are super proud of her! Good job Mia! :D

Happy Birthday, Craig!

Yesterday was Craig's 39th birthday (hang on to those 30's, sweetheart!) and we celebrated by making him a pie, lemon-strawberry meringue, and going out for Mexican dinner. The kids got him a new video game and some headphones he can use when he play guitar at night. Mia made him a very cute drawing at school. See below:

Hope Craig had a great day! And thanks to all of you that called and wished him well. I know Craig was feeling the love! :)